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横刀跃马,踏破关山,笑看大漠飞砂、长河落日。 有感于人生多变,困顿于人生何为,执着于技术浩渺,哀叹于美女无缘,羞涩于兜囊空阔,我已经成熟了、困惑了。(一名博学、敬业、正直、稳重、经验丰富的机械工程师。主攻方向:工程机械液压件、通用机械设计)        我的英文博客: http://www.myspace.com/china_hydraulic_valve


2008-01-14 23:23:48|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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ISCAR is a producer of unique and innovative cutting tools for metalworking, including turning, grooving, milling, hole making,
boring and threading tools.

The company was founded in 1952 in a wooden garage behind the home of Stef Wertheimer. After several years of steady expansion, the company headquarters moved to its current site in the Tefen Industrial Zone, situated in Israel's Western Galilee.

ISCAR has expanded from a single marketing and manufacturing facility in Israel to a multinational company with representation in over 50 countries.

The innovation that has made the company one of the fastest growing in the industry stems from the creative thinking of ISCAR's employees. Throughout ISCAR, hard-working individuals apply themselves to the creation of efficient, practical and economical solutions for clients all over the world.

Into the future
ISCAR’s success and growth continue as a result of innovation and a desire to provide customers with the very latest, most efficient metal cutting technology in the world. They maintain manufacturing facilities for special tools and inserts in the Americas, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Turkey and Israel.

In addition, the company has computerized warehouses in
North America, Europe and Asia.

Over the past 50 years, ISCAR has catapulted from a small niche
supplier to one of the world’s leading manufacturers of
metalworking tools.

Berkshire Hathaway
Berkshire Hathaway is an extremely large holding company that oversees
and manages a number of subsidiary companies. Headquartered in Omaha,
Nebraska in the USA, Berkshire Hathaway is controlled by Warren Buffett,
who is one of the most celebrated investors in history.
In the early part of his career at Berkshire, he focused on long-term
investments in publicly quoted stocks, but more recently has turned
to buying whole companies.


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